I know the best career in the world

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Efe Omordia


Joined Feb 19, 2009

Which career would you consider the best ? The one in which you can earn millions of dollars ?the kind that gets you flown all over the world ?The one that gets your life story featured in the best TV networks ?The kind that gives you VIP access to presidents and celebrities?

Many years ago I would have easily chosen any of the above (as a teenager I wanted to be a video vixen or lol)but now as tempting as they sound,I consider the best career as the one which gives you the opportunity to fulfill your purpose.

And more often than not when you find ,it attracts the above but it no longer matters and sometimes you deliberately let go of some of the perks because you have found something deeper

Many people have exciting careers,some get numerous awards, even touch lives but very few find their purpose.

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