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Otika Henrietta


Jul 1

Joined May 8, 2017

I always had this pack of non-edible inside my provision box, I had no idea what it was for until I was around older teenaged girls in the boarding facility. Everyone had a pack of what my mum always packed with my provision, some had different brands while others had exactly what mum gave me.

I was so bothered, I felt something was wrong with me, it was so bad I couldn't tell anyone this led me to start using what was in the pack as I saw others do just so that the feeling of not being a complete girl would stop. This continued for a while until a friend of mine saw me taking it off and she asked me with concern in her voice "WHY IS THERE NO BLOOD?" ARE YOU DONE? I was so confused but was able to answer with an unsure YES.

I was 14 years old with no education on MENSTRAL HYGIEN MANAGEMENT and MENSTRATION in its entity, this is the experience of so many Girls Child around the world, just a few of these girls are opportune to experience their cycle around loved ones or someone who would guide them through their menstrual experience, some other girls fall into the wrong hands and get abused in the process of trying to figure out what is wrong with them.

Over 500 million Girls all over the world have no idea on Menstrual Hygiene Management and Menstruation in general and this number is alarming, I really hope more girls are prevented from experiencing what I experienced or even worse.

I started a new job recently and what we do is to educate more girls on Menstrual Hygiene Management, Menstruation and also produce washable, reusable and affordable sanitary wear for women and girls. This will help me reach more girls, and also help more girls get what I didn't get on time.

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