In Reality, Life has no filters!

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Batool Kazmi


Joined Dec 12, 2023

Life has no real filters.

Every story cannot be told,heard or shared. Feel them

In Reality, Life has no filters.

Do they even need filters? Whom do we fool by using filters to display our moments.

My friends, many stories need no words, they cannot be listened or heard but yet felt. Yes, you have witnessed many unforgiveable moments of life. Can you comprehend them? No, the pain, the tears... Uncountable times, you might have been twisted, moulded , lifted but you did it Bravo! You kept on moving and now here you are. The footprints past has left on your soul can not be seen with naked eyes. No one except you knows your worth. How precious is life to you?

In this so materialistic world, fame is also just a weapon to exploit yourself. Fame comes with a price. Don't cash your worries, don't let others use you. Embrace yourself with love and care.

Moments cannot be captured my dear. They are only felt, lived at that time. Your memories are yours. Sometimes to cherish you or warns you both. Age is just a number and with passing time,it is growing with wisdom and powers to see the truth. Look around,you will see many untold stories yet to be discovered. They have no filters .

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