India: An open letter to future self.

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Sweta singh


Oct 1

Joined Jun 23, 2023

"Don't forget to do what you love. Don't ever stop writing, scribbling even if no one appreciates, even if no one cares, at least you care, find your own source of happiness."

Photo Credit: Sweta Singh

An open letter to future self.

"Don't forget to do what you love. Don't ever stop writing, scribbling even if no one appreciates, even if no one cares, at least you care, find your own source of happiness.

Congratulations! As I sit here, just two months away from one of the most special days of my life, I cannot help but feel an overwhelming sense of joy and excitement for what is to come. This letter serves as a reminder, a time capsule of emotions, and a way to cherish every precious memory of our wedding day.

Two months before you marry the love of your life, a man not only puts with your quirks but has taught how to laugh at them and love them, removing insecurities. As you read this letter, take a moment to reflect on the incredible journey that has led you to this moment and the profound love that has brought you together with your partner.

First and foremost, remember the overwhelming joy and happiness that you are felling right now. Cherish these emotions, for they are a testament to the love shared between you and your partner. On this day, you are surrounded by the presence of you loved ones, who have come together to celebrate your union and bear witness to your commitment. Allow the love and support of your family and friends to envelop you and fill your heart with warmth. Remember the butterflies in your stomach, the way your heart flutters every time you catch a glimpse of your soon to be spouse. Hold onto that feeling, cherish it, and let it guide you throughout the day.

Take a moment to remember the details that we have pain stalking planned together. Picture the venue, beautifully adorned with flowers, the soft glow of candlelight, and the laughter that will fill the air. Remember the smiles on the faces of your loved ones as they witness the magical bond between you and your partner. Embrace the music, the melodies that will play as you walk down the aisle, dance your first dance, and celebrate the beginning of the new chapter together. Take a mental picture of every detail that surrounds you. Absorb the sights, sounds, and scents of this special day. Allow them to etch themselves into your memory, ensuring that they will be with you forever. From the radiant smiles of your loved ones to the delicate taste of the wedding cake, every aspect contributes to the tapestry of this beautiful day.

Capture every moment in your mind's eye. From the getting ready process, surrounded by your closest friends who have stood by your side through thick and thin, to the exchange of vows that will bind you and your partner together in matrimony. Remember the tears of joy that will surely be shed, the promise made, and the overwhelming feeling of gratitude for finding your soulmate.

Do not forget the little moments the stolen glances, the shared laughter, and the private whispers that only the two of you will know. Take a mental photograph of the joyous faces, the hugs and kisses shared, the heartfelt speeches that will forever remain etched in your memory. They are the building blocks of your journey as a married couple.

Above all, remember to be present. In the midst of the chaos and excitement, take a moment to pause, breath, and take it all in. This day is a culmination of a love story that has been written with every step you have taken together, and it deserves your full attention and appreciation.

Lastly carry with the significance of this day beyond the wedding itself. Remember that marriage is a lifelong commitment, built on love, trust, and shared experience. Embrace the challenges that will inevitably arise, knowing that the bond forged on this day is resilient and enduring.

Future self, as you open this letter on a future day, may it transport you back to the euphoria and bliss of your wedding day. May it remind you of the love that continues to grow within your marriage. Finally, as you read this letter in the future, let it be a gentle reminder of the love that brought you here. Cherish the memories of this day, but also carry the love and commitment you feel into everyday of your married life. Let it be a daily reminder to nurture and grow your love, to be each other's support system, and to never take one another for granted. Treasure this day, for it is a beautiful milestone on your journey of love and togetherness.

With immense love and anticipation,

Your Present self.

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