Introducing myself and my journal

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Madeline Brooks

United States of America

Joined Dec 19, 2010

About Me:
I want to see a world free of domination and oppression, especially of men over women. People must join hands and join forces all across the globe to push back against totalitarian movements. Women deserve human rights and freedom! Women had to struggle for equal status in the West, and we did it. Women in the Muslim world can do it too. The original goal of the feminists in the West was that women would make the world a more moral place, with their innate kindness and nurturing tendencies. Freedom for women does NOT have to mean lewdness and sexual immorality. Spiritual freedom means freedom to bring out the best in oneself and others, and women can bring that gift to a dark world that badly needs it.

My Passions:
Writing about the struggle for freedom; bringing people together

My Vision for the Future:
A world where we can breath free from fear of domination.

My Areas of Expertise:
Writing and organizing

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