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Joined Nov 11, 2023

Photo Credit: margizuu

dont let others dictate your life be the CEO of your life without being told what to do learn to invest in you its the game changer and theraphy

Have you ever thought about self - love being there for yourself through pampering your mid , body and soul without feeling alone and lazing with the world of technology think about watching educational show that inspire you to be a better person no matter what you have been through think about watching TED talk show where people share their break through through their trials and errors that see them through a greater sucess. they started from zero to being heros and mentors .think about learning to do new things online through "YOUTUBE channels " you get to learn about things you dont need to attend school to do them ! once you have an eccess to internet you good to learn new skills , you learn to be endependnt on how to do your own stuff through your comfort zone. reading books is another form of relaxing your mind with technology you can do " e- books" on kindles the paper white make your own book shelf and fill it up with amazig books that you have always wanted to read .you can also reate your own e- bookshelf. lets talk about choosing your friends wiself true friends that will be there for you no - matter what ! friends that will mention your name in room full opportunities friends that will invite you in places youonly saw in movies thats the frienships you need to invest on , friends that will be there whe you accidentally got pregnant and have no money or jobs thats the friends you need in your life invest wisely on your true friends make sure you get rid of all toxic friendships that drain your energy. remember to learn new language this might open new doors for you let say you travel abroad and they only speak french you wont have hard time meeting new people and enjoying the new place you will hang out with localls and creat new hobbies you never knew you had. to me thats a nother way of investing in yourself through others who are not from your social class..drink less alcohol and less caffain rather drink more water as you practise meditation and gratitude . the more you drink less alcohol the more you wont age or look like what you have been through .water will keep your sking young healthy and beautiful people will be like what are you using on your skill all you say its " water "and dont forget not to worry about what others will think about you.humans will always talk but that should not be the last straw learn to not being bothered by what others say about you! have this thick skin to never absorve a negative thought about you thats not an inestment. remember this 24/7 its your life live it to the fulest ,eat healthy food and enjoy your carrots from your kitchen garden and mind your own business because its a full time job that we take for granted. stop procastininting and when its time to retire to bed switch all the lights off even the small red dot on the tv and sleep soundly like a cat i wont say a new born because those small humans dont sleep! they are always a wake crying and causing chaoes!. manage your time better and stick to your routeen! if you a morning person enjoy the day and invest in it bigly!! omg it reminds me of someone lol, rememember to stop winning approvals just be you and do you ,go to work make your money come home you dont go to work to make friends but to make money and be able to pay your bills without asking for hand outs. always visualize your success look at yourself as a hero and be kind to others put a smile on faces that have none , i know you cant make the whole world happy? your not an ice cream guy but the few that cross your path let them know they are loved even that co-worker that is always on your case make sure you smile at him or her so they know your a good person without forcing it to them. at your me time always listen to podcast that have positive impact in you those that encourage you to be a great person , those that make you see what 10 years of success look like those that gives you a big reason to wake up and love yourself more and invest in your inner peace, technology has given each and everyone an opportunity to invest in what is best for us and no - matter who your you dont have to travell to achieve your inestment the zoom meetings , the webners ,and other form of social video calls that will make you get the best information you need when you need it without asking the who unlike the old days that access to information was on the papers and radion lastly investing in yourself in the game changer dont wait for an angel to help you invest in you , its you to do it through self love , through compassion , practise and persistance loving yourself unconditionally that nothing can break the investment you bult for your self . sometimes we encounter negative energy that try to take our passion a way but when you learn to invest in yourself without the approvalof anyone nothing can shake you no matter how many temotation hit you the rock bottom way. investing in yourself is theraphy that start from what you watch ,eat , do ,drink so be careful how much time and energy you want to invest in better be a positive one that wont ruin your life and wont let you give up in life. let it be one that see you getting outside your comfortzone and going to start new chapter somewhere new that you know nobdy or even the language

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