Is this being pregnant?

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South Africa

Joined Oct 12, 2023

A beautiful pregnant woman

Photo Credit: My friend Rumbi

Of course it’s amazing that there’s a human being growing inside me. It’s amazing right, besides the morning sickness and fatigue for some of us.

Today for the first time in almost 6 months I saw my baby move, all along I only felt them. It was an amazing yet eye opening moment for me.

I said, “hey little man, I don’t ever want to let you down. I want to work hard and make sure that you do not go through what I went through. He kicked again and I smiled as tears started to run down my cheeks.

Well, a few months ago, I wasn’t ready to be a mom because I wanted to be empowered first as a woman to make sure that even if my husband is to lose his job I’ll still be able to take care of the family. On the other hand, my husband and I dated for a very short time and I wanted to make sure that at least we know each other enough to bring kids into the world.

Well being pregnant isn’t always cute, I’ve been very sick and I can’t go to work. I’m also starting to my tertiary this coming year, so I don’t really have a profession but being pregnant made me realise how I need to take action sooner than later.

After having a little beautiful moment with my baby in the morning I decided let me learn a new skill, CRM, excel, PowerPoint and anything along those lines to be able to earn an entry level job while I start my studies. I’ve always wanted to do this but knowing my life isn’t about me alone I know I have to push even when it’s hard because I’m a mom.

Well, being pregnant also means having a man who made you pregnant, in my case we are married but its hard sometimes. He found me using his laptop and he really got pissed and shouted. He didn’t even consider that I’m pregnant and with his baby. It’s hard you know and I asked myself is this being pregnant.

if it is then it means I have to push harder because I definitely don’t want my kids to feel how I feel right now.

but being pregnant is beautiful

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