
Jane doe/John cases- Identifying Unknown Persons

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Princess Rose


Oct 1

Joined Jul 2, 2023

justice, rights

Photo Credit: KKTV

John Doe

John does and Jane Does are names used to represent persons who are yet to be identified by families or the police. Mostly by the Police. When a missing persons case is filed and the body has been found in a condition that is difficult to carry out autopsy. Police then use these names to identify them for the time being.

Recently over the years technology has grown so well now these technologies help in DNA investigation, which can help lead to discovering which family a person belongs to or who they are.

In the past years, cases that seemed difficult or impossible to tackle due to a lack of technological development have now been solved. However one major problem still remains there are thousands of people still waiting for their loved ones to be identified. Some which are yet to be identified, others in the process and some that are still searching not knowing that they have passed on to the other life.

A Transcript from PBSNews Hour

October 5th 2018 9:08pm EST

Michael Schiller:

"The FBI estimates that there are some 80,000 reported missing people on any given day in the United States. At the same time, there are over 10,000 unidentified bodies. There is no national law requiring agencies to share this information, leaving many families in the dark about their loved one's fate.

The U.S. Justice Department calls it the nation's silent mass disaster."

Todd Mathews, Director of Case Management, NAM US: " You know a traditional funeral three days you're buried, and then you find new ways to adapt to your new life. In a missing person's case it's like a funeral that goes on for years."

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