Joining thousands & building invisible bridges
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Carrie Lee

United States of America

Joined Feb 21, 2010

One hundred brave women on a bridge in Kabul. 13,778 women checking in virtually or in person on the Brooklyn Bridge in New York City. Rwandan women meeting their sisters from Democratic Republic of Congo at their border. Annie Lenox leading the London March over the Millennium Bridge. Women in Jacksonville, Florida walking to the top of the Acosta Bridge.

Hundreds of bridges. Thousands of women.

What is happening? The world is changing, that’s what’s happening. That’s what we were up to, nothing short of shifting the very foundations on which bridges are built, as we came together for the global campaign Join me on the Bridge, led by Women for Women International- a charity that helps women survivors of war rebuild their lives. As we crossed over constructions built with the great tools of the human intellect, we took up the work of the human heart, and new kinds of bridges were formed- the kind that connect me to you, the kind that connect us all. Invisible bridges. Stronger than the Golden Gate.

It was a small act, carrying banners of peace atop the Acosta. A small act with far-reaching implications. With an energy that extends further than we can even imagine. We often think there is nothing we can do to make a difference in the overwhelming issues of the world, like violence and poverty, but the 40 women who showed up in Jacksonville and the thousands who joined us worldwide, knew that our presence meant something. By simply showing up, we began building a bridge. We embodied what is real and true to us, things we hear often but rarely live- things like global citizenry and living united.

To live what we know to be true in our hearts, now that is power.

And we felt that power expanding as we collectively gathered, knowing that these are the times, this is our moment. The women in Afghanistan are demanding to be heard, the women in Congo are daring us to imagine peace despite the violence they’ve endured. Here is a grand opportunity to show up and tell the world our truth.

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