
JRose_Wright 🕊 Justice🌹

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Princess Rose


Oct 1

Joined Jul 2, 2023

Christmas Unsolved ☃️

Photo Credit: Pinterest

X_mas Cases☃️❄🎀🎄✨☄️

I am currently embarking on a Personal Project. This project is known as Justice To the Nations.

It took me a lot of reflection and preparation, research, observations as well as findings from mothers who have lost the lives of their children to the hands of wicked people. I am already interested in getting justice for those who need it. Fighting for the rights of people within the society and community has always been something that i have been passionate about as an individual. Young girls having the right to education and giving them the full access to resources and neccesary facilities they need in order to grow. Alongside this movement I happened to come across victims who have been, denied their rights and access to legal information concerning the deaths of their children this has brought about so much distraught and pain to these families and communities. Furthermore there is also the issue of children being abducted online through social media apps risking their livelihoods on social media. My aim is to make sure any of these victims are heard wherever they may stand or be in the World.

My Project is focused on bringing their voices back letting their truth be heard again.

Moments of Hope
Training - Measuring Your Impact
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