July Meeting of World Pulse's Powershift Inclusive Excellence (PIE) committee
Aug 22, 2024

Urmila Chanam
Apr 15
Joined Jan 10, 2010
World Pulse’s Powershift Inclusive Excellence (PIE) group is one of its two governing bodies which work together to increase the reach and impact of World Pulse as a social network committed to inclusivity and powershifting. The PIE Committee is made up of select World Pulse community members who have been actively engaging on World Pulse and are passionate about nurturing women’s voices and leadership through expansion and strengthening of the global sisterhood. The aim of PIE is to function as an observer, reflect, make recommendations and continuously work to enhance the quality of collective engagement with members on World Pulse, and support the community better.
Monthly Meeting: July 2024
Nine members of the Powershift Inclusive Excellence (PIE) committee facilitated and supported by World Pulse staff Kirthi Jayakumar, Head of Community Engagement and Martha Lawrence, Executive Affairs Administrator met online on 19 July 2024 on Zoom for the monthly meeting where the major agenda were to deliberate and finalise World Pulse’s community guidelines; finalization of nominations for the community representatives to the World Pulse Board of Directors; and receive feedback from the World Pulse team in particularly, Lourdes Rivas, CEO and Corine Milano, Director Head of Content and Storytelling on the inputs that PIE had provided with respect to World Pulse’s future plans on areas of expansion of the network and its membership, and role of technology in advancing its mission and in supporting its global community better.
Monthly meetings provide the ideal platform for updates on World Pulse functioning and PIE was updated about Aparna Sanches as the liaison focal pint between PIE Committe and the Board from the Board side and the upcoming Governance Training in three phased sessions on 24 July, 27 September, with the timing of the third Governance Training yet to be determined.
PIE Committee functions in a rather democratic, transparent and consultative process keeping the core values and principles of respect and honouring each other’s opinions and suggestions. In addition to meeting monthly sub-committees meet up in between to deliberate on responsibilities entrusted on them and they take their decision back to the PIE committee for getting everyone's buy in. Likewise, the sub- committee led by Tamarack, Busayo, Sherna and Paulina for nomination of members for the community seats to the board put forth the list of names to PIE sharing the rationale behind the selection and opening the discussion to the larger group for finalising the nominations. The deliberations adhered to the criteria for such a position and role of responsibility. At the end, PIE came up with three nominations which have been handed over to World Pulse team for approval. Arrey Echi from Cameroon, Busayo Obisakin from Nigeria and Sharmin Prince from USA.
The status of Community Guidelines as of now is three groups have already worked on the document and furnished their inputs. Another sitting may be required to finalise the document by integrating those inputs, condensing the volume and adding the group's comments before submitting to World Pulse team.
The highlight of July monthly meeting was the discussion on World Pulse's plan for the future led by Lourdes Rivas and innovative ideas to increase membership, engagement, and retention.
Kirthi Jayakumar, Martha Lawrence, Tamarack Verrall, Busayo Obisakin, Arrey Echi, Paulina Lawsin Nayra, Ruth Howard, Sherna Alexander, Basudha Modak, Eunice Owino, Sharmin Prince, Martha Llano and Urmila Chanam.