Feb 27, 2025

Nov 11
Joined Apr 11, 2024

Ga nka didimala, ke raya ke didimalela ruri
Itseng gore ke lekile.
Modimo o mphile botshelo
Ka bo tshela, ka bo tshela ke se nosi
Well, I didn't know who I was suppose to live with and whom not to...
I didn't know who I was suppose to love and whom I was not suppose to...
I loved everybody who came my way
As the heart just got generous with everyone
Le fa ke gobala, ke tsena mo diphatseng
Pelo e ne e sa utlwelele, e ne e sa lape
Ya tswelela e ntse e rata, e tshepha,
E kgatlhala....
E robegile ga ntsi ntsi, ya tsoswa ke ba booki
Mme ya seke e latlhe mosesele e le wa yone
Ya tswelela e ntse e rata, ya kgatlhala, ya tshepha
Tota ke lekile
Ke lekile go nna tsala ya boamaruri
Ke retletse
Bantule matsogong jaaka metsi baratiwa baaka ntse ke barata
Ke ipotsa ke ba diretse eng se segolo se se kakeng sa tlhoka tshwarelo ka nna ke nna ke ba tshwarela ka bongwe ka bongwe
But i fail to understand where the loyalty stands on the other side as it seems to be easy on them to let go just like that as if I never existed, as if I never mattered.
Bona, ga ke ka didimala, go didimala ga bofelo
Itseng gore ke lekile
Ke lekile gorata jaaka Modimo a rile
Rata mongwe ka wena jaaka o ithata
Mme ke retletse
Ke bona ditsala di mphuaganya, marato a sa bereke, badiri go sena kagiso
Ke a gamarega kare mmoloki
Ke mang ke tshwanetseng ka tshela le ene
Ke sala ka lorato lame le phuagantswe mo phefong
Le sa amogelwe, aa ga ke itse gorata ne mmabaledi?
Ke rate mang go sena yo o amogelang rato lame ramasedi?
Pelo yame e tshela ka dithabi tsa go phuaganngwa
Kana ke nna ke sa itseng gorata gongwe gona le thulaganyo e ntodileng ke diilwe ke go bapala morogo
I mean, well I have some but a lover in me wonder why people come in my life and go?
Why create a bond, build a family and walk away as if nothing happened?
I try, I try every day to give my best but seems my best ain't enough, ain't the best to them
People go... And it hurts every time they leave.
It hurts, my friends it hurts, lovers it hurts.
Why do you choose to leave?
Is the situation way too big to be resolved?
Ain't we adults to talk things out?
I loved you guys. Every relationship I had with everyone, I loved you guys.
Ga nka seke ke tsoge, ka robala, ka robalela ruri, itseng gore KE LEKILE.
Ke lekile go lerata, ke paletswe.
Ke lekile go le itumedisa, ke paletswe.
Ke lekile go le ema nokeng, ke paletswe.
Ke lekile go le itshwarela, ke a leka.
Babedi Samakabadi FACES Reality ❤️