learning from others

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Joined Mar 6, 2009

am so excited to learn about other sisters lives experience as they grew and i learn that life is all about choices.
as i read the story of several sisters, their determination to live and achieve their life dreams, i get to learn that where we grow in may have some influence in our lives but the choice of a better future is in us. its the choices we make that make our life either good or waste, we either achieve or fail we determine we decide and face the consequences.
this is to all my sisters who have grown to be achievers and who are role models to us young, you are heroes and you dont need to have done such a great thing in the world to be a hero; but you are because you have done a great thing to yourselves and chosen the right path and you deserve to be recognized for your effort, determination and strong spirit to live your dreams. it all starts from a humble ground and with that strong spirit you achieve what you want.
i have learnt alot since i joined worldpulse and i know am an achiever and nothing will stop me and i will always learn from both small and big sisters. we are all one with one great dream and goal.

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