Legacy Award - Outstanding Giving To Women
Jan 19, 2023

Nonye Henrietta Umeh
Oct 24
Joined Nov 17, 2019

I wrote this in December and I'd love to share it with you all.
Some years ago I watched the movie 'Finding Forrester' Sean Coonery's mentee told him about his desire to gift a friend.
He replied "give an unexpected gift at an unexpected time".
I never forgot those words, I've practiced this with friends, family and random people but for the first time in a long while I experienced how it feels to receive an unexpected gift.
On Saturday the 17th, I was awarded with the 2022 FIGHR Prize of Peace in the category of "Outstanding Giving To Women".
I didn't even know I was nominated so I wasn't expecting any medal. When some people sent congratulatory messages, I was like "wait what's happening"?? I didn't have the faintest idea.
I quickly checked my emails, lo and behold, all the information was sitting there and I got another shocker, apart from winning a Prize of Peace, I've been appointed as a Diplomatic Fellow for FIGHR.
I am not finished yet, in the email it was stated "this is a feat no one has done before you and it is worthy of recognition".
My heart is full, you cannot begin to imagine, what a way to end the year. To have my work and contributions to social change appreciated and recognized means the world to me. I'm grateful. This is a sweet surprise, indeed unexpected gifts are the best.
Christmas came early for me.
I am so thankful to all those who nominated and voted for me, you're amazing. Where was I when all of these were happening?
I thank the Federation of International Gender and Human Rights (FIGHR) and Dr Ameena Ali, PhD™ for honouring me with this award and appointing me as a DF-FIGHR. I'm proud to be associated with you.
I congratulate all the nominees and awardees of the 2022 FIGHR Prize of Peace. Your impact is noteworthy, thank you for the work you're doing in your various communities and the world at large.