Lesson On Caring For Yourself

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Peace Jude


Jan 6

Joined Nov 9, 2023

Pain is part of Life's experience but so is compassion and it's good to love everyone but equally important to Love Yourself. Times have come in my life when I've loved and cared for people above myself and I only felt regret later on because I was being hard on myself and not loving me enough. It took a toll on those relationships I was trying to protect as I was always feeling drained and exhausted after showing up for them and then having no one to care for me.

I took a step back from all of it, gave myself a break, looked around and discovered that even if I wasn't there will always be someone else to care for them and I was as important to myself as I was to them. I took a long break from them I went into a period of studying to understand myself more, took out time to take long walks to clear my head and get my emotions in check and I'm glad to say I'm becoming a better version of myself.

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Training - Self-Care
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