Let us educate our children on the dangers of Rape irrespective of Thier gender

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Jun 13

Joined Apr 9, 2023

Parents🤱 educate your children on the dangers of rape.

the phenomenon of rape is not an issue reserve only for girls/ women.

remember 90% of rape cases are ochestrated by men/ boys forcing themselves on women./ girls.

90% of effects of rape such as trauma, low self esteem and health difficulties are faced by us women. 

 Therefore, while educating our girl/female children on how to Carry themselves around and attitude to adopt if faced with a rape situation or what to do if raped, we must take into consideration that our male children must be caution on the consequences of such actions. 

 In the event of our various sensitisation program, we noticed that most boys are left out in the process of sensitisation.

its therefore our plea that men/ boys get involved and engaged in fighting this phenomenon. 🙏




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