Life of bintu Hassan (how my parents help me to over come my fears in poem form)

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Bintu _hassan


Sep 24

Joined Nov 7, 2023

I am a naive girl.

Who knew nothing about life.

Lost in the middle of nowhere,

Fear being buried in my tiny heart.

Tears of fear rolling down my cheeks.

The lump in my throat killed my voice.

Dump struck was I , with the site of this unfamiliar place.

"I will just give up" I say.

But when I was about fall,

Out of a blue,a strong arm grip my hand.

In such a way that even if I myself want to collapse, could not oppose.

Then I heard voices.

The voices that keep echoing in my mind.

Those same voices that say encouraging words to me.

Those magical words that kept me going.

Whispers "don't let anyone's opinion about you change you in any way,in as much as what you do doesn't affect you in any way,go for it you have our blessings".

These are the words of my heroes

Mama and papa who always appear like heroes in the battle field

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