
Liluye Featured on Aspire Website for UN Goal 5 Campaign

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Jill Langhus

United States of America

Oct 11

Joined Nov 11, 2016

Aspire home page feature

Liluye Featured on Aspire Website for UN Goal 5 Campaign

Recently, Liluye was selected by Aspire, the first organization in the UK dedicated to women’s coaching and leadership development and created by Dr. Sam Collins in 2001, as one of the 10 projects to be provided with visibility within their community of over 250,000 people across the world! As a result, Liluye is currently featured on their website at: https://buff.ly/3QbYSbL under the "We support UN Sustainable Development Goals to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls" header halfway down their homepage and then the sub-header, "Ending Violence Against Women and Girls."

Aspire created this campaign in alignment with UN Sustainable Development Goal 5 "To Create Gender Equality and Empower All Women and Girls." They were looking for ways to empower and inspire women, to raise the profile of amazing women and organizations that are doing work that contribute to gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls.

Liluye is very excited and honored to have been selected for this feature and opportunity. We’re also pleased to be able to include and spotlight three action shots from two of our partners, Impact and Dialogue Foundation and WIDC. Thank you, ladies, for giving me permission to share your work and photos with Aspire. We wouldn’t be where we are today without you and all the hard work of our now 42 global partners.

And, special thanks to Aspire for all that you do to support and uplift women globally and for supporting Liluye.

Please note Liluye is also honored to share the same page with Elsa D'Silva's Red Dot Foundation, and that our Nepalese partner, Sasane, has been featured under the sub-header, "Adopt Policies and Legislation for Gender Equality." Great job, ladies!!

Thanks for reading and following our progress and work!

Together, we can make more impact!

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