Loan Sharks Hauls in the city

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Markordor Myrthong


Apr 4

Joined May 20, 2023

Loan sharks has really affected and destroyed the lives of the many. It's so sad to see that these are happening in every parts of the country, states, community, society but no government is taking action against it. We are helpless, no rays of hope anymore to come out of this trapped. Only the people who are affected by this system feels the burden and pain but majority who are not into this, would not even bother or understands the other person who is fighting with it. It's sad to see that with this trap it leads to different kinds of bad influence like robbery, frauds, drugs, prostitution, and many more.

If there are someone who can show these people to have some hope and be strong to fight back can really bring a light to their life.

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