Looking to the Future, Laying Out Plans - PIE - Powershift Inclusive Excellence

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Tamarack Verrall


Jan 28

Joined Jan 22, 2014

We came together again to work as a steering committee, with the opportunity to take our conversations deeper, envisioning directions for World Pulse. Sharing together how to open and strengthen this path we are all on together, and having this chance to speak with each other, with a deep sense of commitment and responsibility because of how much World Pulse means to each one of us, always with our whole community in heart and mind. 

For this meeting Sherna Alexander, one of the best orators in this world and Jeanine Becker who somehow navigates us all so smoothly along a very concentrated path, these two keeping our meeting flowing, bringing forward the depth of gathered information that we have to work with. Much background work had been done, offered by the Team and the Board, and we were given this chance to meet in a larger circle, to talk together about our collective way forward. For this meeting I was given the role of Storyteller, to make a record of our meeting and to bring the news to all of you. 

As happens continually for all of us who are members of World Pulse, the Team and the Board do a tremendous amount of work, offering us a framework to work through for our discussions, connections and collective actions. As we met, each one of us so grateful for our entire community, held all of you in our hearts throughout the meeting. These meetings are giving us an opportunity to put our heads and hearts together to envision the strongest and most inclusive path forward, toward the world that we all are all working for. Our priority, world wide change for the safety, respect, freedom and flourishing of women and girls, and for bringing forward leadership, for a world in which the leadership of women is understood as essential and respected, and for a world in which every form of violence is ended. 

We are looking at a strategic overview. Why we are here together, how we are here to find ways for women's voices to be heard, how we work to transform this world. We're looking at where we're headed and all that we hope to achieve, sharing together our ideas for the future.

We talked about information that shows so clearly how within World Pulse we have been finding our voices, together becoming leaders, speakers, change makers, and how to keep this growing. We talked about the importance and the gift that we already have with each other, how tremendously our network continues to expand and strengthen because of all these connections we are making with each other. We spoke about the powerful leaders emerging throughout World Pulse, affecting so many communities, and how much our World Pulse community, so supportive of each other, is interweaving all of these empowering relationships. We looked at how interconnected the raising of our voices, the connections we make with each other, and the sharing of resources, all transform into action and the social change we are working for. A world in which women and girls are free, and able to take leadership in healing and building this world. A world in which everyone is included.

We celebrated and looked closely at the strength of our voices, the growth of these networks and the sharing of resources, and how we can expand each of these. We were reminded that when one women walks in her power, we touch thousands of others. We recognized together how strongly so many in our World Pulse community have such powerful voices now, how important all these connections are that we are making with each other, and how this is strengthening and expanding all we do collectively.

We were invited to focus looking at what we can make happen in the next 10 years. This in itself was so welcome to me. We have been patient for generations now, all simply to find ourselves waiting still, through weak excuses. No reason to be patient. We are all aware of the emergencies that need action.

This month our focus is to make sure that we have this precious site as strong and secure as possible, hold it safe, as the many thousands of us continue to strengthen and go ever deeper into leadership, and as we continue to strengthen and to grow all of our interconnections and collaborations. 

Deep inside World Pulse, amazing people with Tech minds are continuing to design this site, and spring or summer may bring some changes. Those doing this work know how crucial it is that we continue to connect with each other and to invite more to join us here, to be able to do our work together. 

The plan continues to emphasize that ensuring that those most marginalized are our priority, and that access to being online is a huge part of what needs to be in place, and equally important, giving close attention and finding solutions for whoever is facing the most difficult situations. We are looking at what leadership programs and training can be expanded, how we can look closely at and examine any biases, anything being overlooked. We are looking at how World Pulse can continue to grow more and more solidly as a community led and community powered movement.

Sitting with these sisters, and thinking of all of you, I am continually reminded that what we have together is something that has never happened before. We have never been able to know each other and work together like this, globally. Never been able to document what needs to be done, so completely. Not with this amount of knowledge witnessed and shared. Not in these numbers, not with this amount of brilliance and heart. Not with the close contact that we now have with each other, through this web we are weaving together. 

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