Make perpetrators to feel threatened and frustrated. Justice for Rape Victims/ survivors

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Jan 10

Joined Jul 24, 2023

I live in a community where rape is common and happens always but the people even with the little knowledge they have on rape they still feel scared reporting perpetrators.

how can someone feel comfortable with his dirty ans harmful actions to young children in the community. Parents handle rape at home and it ends there. They don’t want to speak out because they are scared of threats.

few days I was discussing with a lady who told me she wants to send her little niece who is already into her adolescence age to live with her sister because she is afraid they can rape her around.

my question was how safe is she where she’s going to?? How confident is she that she’s going to be ok.

the best thing to do is report those who are threats to the life of women and girls around. It’s sad to see how parents have a lot to say but don’t want to open up.

they go to job sides and come back to a child who has been raped home all they do is handle it family way and it ends there. When GBV activist ask to handle it legally they would literally stop them from going ahead with the case for reasons hey can’t really explain. The one word is Fear!!!!! We need to empower ourselves more and act in these communities. Emphasis to the population to report sexual violence. If not kids , women will keep suffering and while perpetrators go scout free.

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