Mama Earth

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Tamarack Verrall


Jan 28

Joined Jan 22, 2014

Ice covering trees, a grandmother tree fallen, surrounded by ice covered younger trees in a park in Montreal Canada. Ice Storm April 5, 2023

Photo Credit: Tamarack Verrall

Ice storm yesterday

Mama Earth

Mama can you hear me calling,

Mama can you know I'm here, 

We who are here to protect you

Gather as the season turns.

We send messages to each other 

Dissolving the hate with love

We know we are here to end all this violence

And to protect our Mother Earth

We are deep in the clutches of immoral government systems 

Created and upheld by a closed group of people hoarding the wealth, 

Leaving others desperate for a scrap of food, a drink of clean water, 

Barely able to imagine change possible, holding onto this dream 

A life with no violence

Dissolving all of this captivity and torture of women

Ending all these wars.

How many centuries have we called out for the protection of this Earth, our Mother

Daring to believe that peace is possible

If only women were respected.

How many centuries have we been beaten down to keep us silent

And still ridiculed today 

We call out to our Mother Earth and to our Ancestresses

We are here

We are here

We are raising our voices together as we find each other

As we work to end all of these emergencies

And heal

Yet despite this work being done by women

We are purposefully kept from having money

In this money system

Women doing work for free everywhere because our hearts 

Keep us where we are most needed

How long have we been working 

For an end to all wars

How long have we been tending to these emergencies 

While some meet in private circles whose business it is 

To suck out the insides of our planet, 

Cut down and burn the trees

Leave ponds of poison 

While shaking hands over lavish tables 

While the women I know are working to heal wounds

To bury loved ones 

To speak out together

To free each other 

Holding onto this thread 

By which we find each other

Weaving what we know is possible

A world with no violence, 

A world of clean lakes, 

Gardens and forests, 

A whole planet on which we do no violence, 

No poverty, no slavery, 

No domination of women and girls

No domination of anyone

Yet working for this we are ridiculed 

Named the enemy, to be attacked and silenced

And we know that this has happened for centuries

We continue to witness the destruction of our planet 

And yet 

And yet 

And yet 

We are still here

And we will never stop

Nor will we stop remembering 

That the pieces of our herstory that we look back on 

Show us what is possible.

Mama Earth may we protect you.

Future of Security Is Women
Revolutionary Solidarity
Moments of Hope
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Climate Change
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