May God make more fathers like you, papa

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Urmila Chanam


Apr 15

Joined Jan 10, 2010

Every father loves their child(dren) but you were there for me when I made my biggest life decisions; unwaivering, supportive, respectful, giving me space yet letting me know you are there if I needed you. I remember walking down the aisle in a wedding gown in a beautiful church in a new community outside of ours with you by my side, accepting, endorsing, putting up a brave and positive front and trying to integrate into a new culture only for the sake of your daughter (me).

You were there for me years down the line when I decided to walk out of an abusive marriage. How hard it was to take that step; analysis of the pluses and minuses would give me migraines and the fear of making a wrong decision would cripple me. You told me, "You decide Nanu. If your decision is to leave this man and you are suffering with him, don't fear for the future. Your father is still alive."

There was a court case and child custody legal battle and many problems in the years that followed by virtue of being a single mother, professional and living on my own but the biggest fight was the one inside my heart. Not once in these 13 years of my struggle have you reminded me that I am divorced. Not once have you mentioned about the domestic violence case or broached a topic that cause me pain.

You helped me raise Bunbun. I think you were also raising me to be a good mother to her. You helped me so much. And it brings tears to my eyes when I remember the day you cooked lunch for me when I was busy with office, something no one will believe at home because you have never cooked in your own house. I have never felt alone, helpless or sad because you were there for me all throughout.

" No matter what you do, there is one person who will always support you and that is your dad." Yes, this is what I have heard from you since I was a child.

I know what it takes to survive through the darkest storms- someone who believes in them that they can have a wonderful life and who gives them respect that allows them to forget the past and move on. So here is wishing you a happy Father's Day papa!! May God make more fathers like you.

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