
Mbiame New Vision Multipurpose Farming and Development Association

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Dec 30

Joined Apr 11, 2023

Organic Farming Empowerment and Entrepreneurship Project for Internally Displaced Women I Cameroon

Photo Credit: Mbiame New Vision Multipurpose Farming and Development Association

Organic Farming Empowerment and Entrepreneurship for internally displaced Women

Mbiame New Vision Multipurpose Farming and Development Association is a vibrant and dynamic youth-led organization that was created in 2013 with the aim of addressing pressing social issues and driving positive change in the community. Comprised of passionate young men and women, the organization is united by a shared vision of humanitarian response and community development. By focusing on various areas of concern, Mbiame New Vision strives to make a meaningful impact on the lives of community members, particularly those who are vulnerable and in need.

One of the primary areas of focus for Mbiame New Vision is alleviating poverty and hunger. Recognizing the devastating effects of poverty and food insecurity, the organization implements various initiatives to provide support to individuals and families facing these challenges. This includes the distribution of food aid, organizing community farming projects, and promoting sustainable agricultural practices to enhance food production and nutrition.

mentorship, and advocacy, Mbiame New Vision empowers young people and women to become agents of change in their communities. By providing them with opportunities to enhance their capacities and amplify their voices, the organization contributes to the overall development and well-being of these groups.

Advancing human rights is another crucial aspect of Mbiame New Vision’s work. The organization is committed to promoting and protecting the rights of all individuals, irrespective of their backgrounds or circumstances. Through advocacy, awareness campaigns, and legal support, Mbiame New Vision seeks to create a society that upholds and respects human rights in all spheres of life.

Finally, Mbiame New Vision actively engages in emergency relief efforts to provide immediate assistance to communities affected by natural disasters, conflicts, or other crises. The organization mobilizes resources, coordinates relief activities, and works closely with other stakeholders to ensure that affected individuals receive the support they need during times of crisis.

In conclusion, Mbiame New Vision Multipurpose Farming and Development Association is a youth-led organization driven by a strong commitment to humanitarian response and community development.

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Food Security
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