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Shipra Mathur


Joined Sep 4, 2010

Brahmkumari is a spiritual university with lakhs of group members spread across the world, they organize a media conclave every year which i recently attended. This is supposedly largest organisation in the world managed by females, I realized the inner strength and their commitment to the belief in Atma ( the soul) and Parmatma ( the supreme soul).
Approx 1200 media persons congregated here, most of them mediocre and none of them was actually among those who can inject change within the media systems. Most media persons after an age either frustrate or become so inflated they can see themselves only and none around, they pretend to be big but are so hollow that after they retire there is none but such large hearted organisations which serve their ego.
Even the Chairman of Press Council couldn't justify his presence. Most speakers were those who can speak on anything under the sun but have no ground level contribution to their own or any other field. This is high time we should STOP preaching and devote more time on working towards values and benefit to the poor.
LETS ignore ( if not sideline) this breed of Journalists and journalism teachers who have no contribution other than using every forum for self promotion. I have seen this breed very closely.

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