Module3: My elevator pitch to present initiative
Oct 9, 2022

Hkawn Nan
Joined Jun 16, 2022

Photo Credit: Take my Self
In IDP Camp
I am Hkawn Nan. I reside in the Lae Kone IDP camp in Myitkyina, Kachin State. Due to the civil war, we have been living in the camp since before the coup, resulting in unstable education, a deteriorating economy, and weakening health conditions. During the coup and subsequent crisis, young women in the IDP camp, including myself, lost the opportunity to continue their education and improve their learning environments.
We no longer have faith in our future. Long-term consequences include an increase in the number of ungraduated and unemployed young women, a loss of educational opportunities, gender-based violence, early marriage, unwanted pregnancy and the loss of equal rights for women, child labor, and discrimination. Particularly, internally displaced young women face gender-based violence and are forced to marry young by a variety of circumstances.
I would like to reclaim our lost future by implementing activities to increase their learning capacities regarding sexual and reproductive health rights, as well as enlightening knowledge-sharing sessions for their self-care and empowerment endeavors. I hope you can help me by sharing the self-care, women's empowerment, and SRHR training activities I can adapt for my IDP camp.