MOOC - Children’s Right to Education in Armed Conflict (Global Campus of Human Rights)

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Ana Isabel Paraguay


Joined Apr 1, 2013

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Photo Credit: Global Campus of Human Rights (GCHR)

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MOOC - Children’s Right to Education in Armed Conflict (Global Campus of Human Rights): enroll by 8-Mar-24

"Between 2015-2019 more than 22,000 children and young people but also teachers and academics were injured, killed or harmed. Afghanistan, Colombia, Cameroon, DRC, Myanmar, Palestine, Syria, The Philippines, Turkey, Ukraine, Yemen… around the whole world, schools and universities continue to being occupied, bombed and destroyed; school boys and girls are being abducted or recruited at school or on the way to/from school; in other cases attackers threaten them with the use of force, including sexual violence. In addition to any physical damage, which is already appalling, the moral and psycho-social damage to the life of these children should be a major concern. Yet, education under attack in armed conflicts is still a daily reality for too many of them.

Wars, armed conflicts, and displacement are not only attacks to spaces, places and people, but also violations of a fundamental human right recognised in numerous international, regional and national instruments. Education is a right in itself and a multiplier of other rights. Legal frameworks, measures and tools already exist that provide a variety of solutions. Alas, proper knowledge of such instruments and possible avenues for action is still limited.

This MOOC will fill this knowledge gap and will mobilise more people and resources in the defence of such a fundamental right when and where it is most needed. Thanks to the regional reach of the Global Campus of Human Rights, case studies and examples from the field will be used to illustrate situations, violations and existing good practices. Academics and experts will contribute analytical and practical inputs, while testimonies from affected children, young students and teachers/educators will contextualise impact and hopefully inspire change.

The course encompasses 5 weeks with approximately 25-30 hours of active learning. This MOOC is organised in 3 modules:

Module 1 – Education as a right for children,

Module 2 – Protecting the right to education of children in armed conflict,

Module 3 – The way forward.

At the end of the course, participants who have completed all discussions, polls and quizzes will receive a free certificate confirming their participation.

Free enrolment until 8 March 2024!"

For more information please visit 

#MOOC #EducationInArmedConflict #GlobalCampusOfHumanRights #PsychosocialDamage #PhysicalDamage #children #YoungPeople #teachers


Repost by Officio Ambiente Ltda.

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