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Dec 9

Joined Mar 1, 2023

<<Even after knowing the basic RIGHTS, how can they be guaranteed??

<<Have you ever wondered, Why the Western world is more powerful?

<<Have you ever witnessed the truth being used to organize murders or assassinations?

          >>>So what do you believe the solution is??

I believe that the only option is to make the system more user-friendly and transparent.

Some further SOLUTIONS are, If these essential elements are secured correctly, no one can violate anyone's basic rights, but people will take great care of everyone's basic rights.

>> There should be a presidential system because it maintains the stability of the government.

>>All kinds of exploitation should be ended, our state should not use everything for its interest but should provide resources to the people.

>>The law should be equal for all and equal protection should be given to the rich and the poor.

>>Justice should be given fast and free to the people

               As Gladstone said, "Justice delayed is Justice Denied"

>>People should be appointed on merit in every field and no one should be appointed based on color, race, caste or tribe.

>>Education should be promoted and resources should be provided to those who are capable in society to study further.

>>The unemployed should be given employment, especially the needy people.

>> Politics is a different thing, judges' justice is a different thing, Army's monopoly is a different thing, don't interfere in each other's affairs. The one who commits the crime will be punished immediately and the one who comes with his recommendation will be punished twice.


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