My beautiful gift from Tanzania

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Jill Langhus

United States of America

Oct 11

Joined Nov 11, 2016

Hi there everyone,

Hope everyone is doing well.

I had to share a special gift that I received from the ever-lovely, Valentina Mapunda, aka @valem. We've known each other for awhile now. I don't know how long, to be honest, but thanks to World Pulse we have a special friendship. One day, awhile ago, I want to say earlier in the year, perhaps longer, Valentina said she wanted to make a skirt for me and that she would mail it. I was overjoyed to hear that she wanted to make such a special, handmade gift for me and that she would take the time and money to make this and to go to a city (not sure how far) to mail it to me. About two months ago, she said it was finished but I didn't want her to mail it to me while I was still in Spain so I asked her to mail it to my sister in the U.S.

Well, finally yesterday my patience, and Valentina's paid off. The craftsmanship on the skirt is impeccable (the stitching is very tight and there's even an inner-slip to it) and the beautiful African fabric... well, exceptional. Such amazing, vibrant colors. The photo doesn't really do it justice as I need to find a suitable top to complement the skirt, but I wanted to share the photo and story as soon as I got it in my hands.

Thank you so much again, @valem, for creating this wonderful, special gift for me. I will always treasure it... truly. I will imagine you making this for me with your lovely hands and hopefully one day I'll be able to meet you in person to personally thank you!

Please give some appreciation for Valentina's goodwill and craftsmanship in the comments. 😀

Thanks for reading and appreciating the lovely Valentina with me!


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