My Goal for 2024

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Jul 9

Joined Feb 3, 2023

In this New Year, I am praying that doors will open for me to get a job and above fulfill myself in the movie industry. I am not the best the industry can get but I believe I have something to offer thus looking for a producer who will listen to me and help me visualize my stories, I will pitch them and they get produced. Society will have something to entertain them, allude from, and get informed and educated. Nobody wants a starter but how can we grow if someone does hold our hands? Please help me fulfill myself in that field, Let change the world together, unity is our weapon in conquering.

I am a graduate from the Multimedia University of Kenya,I was pursuing journalism but while at it I gained passion in film making to explore further the media industry.I graduated with a Credit in December 2022.

While in school I came up with a story that was produced as a requirement for fulfillment of our course.HIND SIGHT while outside school when I was so clueless yet passionate I drafted/scripted the original story of the WRATH OF BETRAYED SOULS ,though corona disrupted everything and only God knows whether its production will ever go on.It was getting produced by an upcoming company,but seems like they forgot it,or the rough time made them venture into other fast money making events

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