my portuguese poetry (translated)
Sep 29, 2020

Isaura Diniz
Joined Jul 8, 2020
Here I am, once again, this time I am sharing my favorite poem I ever wrote, you have the portuguese and english version (translated by me) below, I wrote this piece after a very special day of walking around Lisbon, my hometown in Portugal. I love this poem, I have shared it with my literature teacher at the time, so I have a special confidence on this one. If you have not read my previous poem, go and check my profile, it is a poem related to womenhood, which fits WorldPulse perfectly.
(Be aware that the english version has no rhymes, and does not sound great, translation often makes the magic of words dissapear.)
sempre foste assim tão bonita?
ou será que te via invertida?
mudaste muito desde agosto.
é pouco provável uma cidade mudar,
será que a minha visão clareou?
consigo ver barcos flutuar
sob a ponte que ainda não afundou
por outro lado, eu deixei de levitar,
aterrar não foi fácil,
os pés tocaram na calçada,
os pensamentos caíram de forma desengonçada
é fevereiro,
Lisboa, apesar de mais fria
graças ao sentimento que nela carrega
está mais bela.
Lisboa, não sei
aceita o elogio,
prometo não te enganar
por mais distorcido que seja o meu olhar
comecei a chorar
quando para ti olhei
do alto de um miradouro,
e em ti vi tudo.
were you always this beautiful?
perhaps I saw you twisted,
you have changed since August.
a city is unlikely to change,
did my vision cleread up?
I can see boats floating
under the bridge that has
not yet sunk
On the other hand,
I stopped levitating,
landing was not easy,
my feet touched the pavement,
thoughts came down awkwardly.
It´s February
despite being colder,
thanks to the feeling it carries
it is more beautiful.
I don't know
accept my compliment,
I promise not to deceive you
ignore how distorted my view is.
I started crying
when I looked at you
from a viewpoint,
and in you, I saw it all.