My project expands to our inmates at the Bamenda Central Prison
Sophie Ngassa
Dec 16
Joined Aug 17, 2015
I was chosen as one of the high impact trainers.
My project entitled \"Bring a Girl to STEM\" expands to the Bamenda Central Prison. CYEED is collaborating with an NGO called Local Youth Corner (LoYoCo) to train 15 young inmates on ICT and entrepreneurship skills
Our young inmates will acquire ICT skills as part of the Creative Skills for Peace Project led by LoYoCo, a civil society organization fighting against violence and extremism in local communities.
After following up closely on my activities on social media especially Facebook, I was contacted by the director asking me to join their program as one of the selected trainers. He mentioned that , he had been following up my work and was very impressed with the impact I am creating.
At first I was little bit scared. I asked myself “How was I going to work with this class of persons?”, \"Awwhhh prisoners\" as we commonly call them.
It is actually going to be my first experience to train inmates therefore I need your encouragement and strong support.
Recently, when I made a post about this activity on my Facebook page , I received many encouraging comments that inspired and motivated me to hang on and get the task well done.
Thanks to some experiences shared by my World Pulse sisters Julie Zenterra, Stella Paul and Tamarack Verrall, I felt warm in my heart as I was greatly relieved and finally decided to put my skills to contribution to enable the proper rehabilitation process of the detainees.
WorldPulse is truly a place where you can count on support from a loving community of changemakers form all over the world.
Presently the training has started and we are working with 4 computers, that is about 4 persons per computer.
Stay tuned for updates!