Please Think About Us

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United States of America

Dec 15

Joined Jan 31, 2014

Dear world.

Save people from evil on the day of Jesus' birth. We, the Tamil people living in Sri Lanka, go through the memories of the people who were massacred, people died in pain, and the freedom soldiers who gave their lives for the hopefuly liberation of our country.

Even after 75 years, we still rejoice in the birth of Jesus and in the light of the lights, but our worries beat us. We do not know whether it is sadness or happiness in the hearts of those of us who inhabit this world.

The Sinhalese government and the Sinhalese people are working to brutality destroy and ethnically cleanse the Tamils. After the 2009 genocide, the Sinhalese are settling in the land we used to live by taking away our lands.

Tamils are an ancient people in our land. We cannot live in peace in our land. We now live all over the world. Despite such cruelty, even the cows that are reared for life are killed by Buddhist Monks. They bombed our school children. They killed Balachandran without realizing he is a little boy. Our people disappeared, and the Sri Lankan Government have hurt us so much, yet the world still does not support us. International and neighboring countries do not ask why. Whom shall we go to? The violence happening in Gaza and Israel today has happened to the Tamils in our country. Some people are falsifying our facts. Sinhala government and Sinhala Buddhist monks are “totally ignoring Tamil grievances and the pain and suffering Tamils have undergone since independence”.

What did the students do? What did hospitalized patients do? The Sinhalese government bombed them. No one listens. Are we not humans? We fought for equal rights. Where are the missing relatives? Are their parents’ tears not merciful? They say that the atrocities that happened in Sri lanka are false. Facts never sleep. Jesus came and was born for mankind. Speak for us too in the international community. Please think about us too. Have mercy on the birth on the Jesus.

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