Poetic Justice🎙✨

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Princess Rose


Oct 1

Joined Jul 2, 2023

Photo Credit: Free Pik

Forget Me Not🌹💙

I think it is time we found out the Truth

I think it is time that the tears of the unheard voices are wiped away.

I think it is time that mothers are heard

I think the time to find peace and end sorrows is over

I think it is time for closure

This is for the many lives out there that could possibly be alive or the lives out there in the dark wild crying from the soil in silence

The Father hears your tears, and he sees your tears dead or alive you are remembered. Not only by your loved ones but also by your Father in Heaven🕊

The Chronicles of Rememberance has been re opened Yet again,Justice will Prevail

Never lost from the sight of Your Father✨🕊

You are and always remembered by the El Roi✨🕊

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