Possibilities in achieving your goals,and visions.There's no limit to what you can achieve

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Mrs Gloria Jideaka


Dec 5

Joined Oct 6, 2023

My Name is Gloria.I have been waiting for this kind of opportunity for so long. Growing up as young child was so hard for me. As a kid I was taught to earn before I can eat,even when my mate are in school am there working. Was I feeling bad? ''Yes'' it was always like the whole world was against me.I worked so hard knowing fully well that if I don't our tummy cries.Regardless I was always doing what I was told to do,I learnt some lessons and some do pass me by.When I got to a particular age I strive more just to make sure I have small knowledge about school.The lessons life would have tought me at an adult level was taught at a young age,on all this the only great lesson I learnt that brought me to where I am today is humility.Now when all this things sourrounding my life were going on,what was my vision,plan,goals and what to achieve.My purpose was to make sure I don't lay my back down and also not to allow someone in contact with me go through what I went through.Dear me there's no limit to what you can achieve.i know there are obstacles, challenges,get over the past, focus on your future.Yes am scared of telling people what I went through just because they might judge me,they might make me feel their childhood experience was better than mine.The sad truth is....it's my experience,my life,my story,part of what brought me here and also part of what is taking to my destination.

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