Power of Encouragement

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Jun 21

Joined Mar 9, 2023

A young lady had always dreamed of becoming a writer, but she never had the courage to pursue her passion. She felt that her writing was never good enough, and the fear of rejection stopped her from even trying.

One day, her friend, came over to her house and noticed the stack of journals that she kept hidden away. Her friend asked her about them, and she hesitantly admitted that they were filled with her writing.

Her friend asked if she could read some of it, and she nervously handed her a journal. As her friend read through the writing, she was blown away by the beauty and depth of the words. She looked up at the young lady with tears in her eyes and said, "You are an incredible writer. You have a gift, and you need to share it with the world."

The young lady was stunned. She had never received such positive feedback on her writing before. Her friends words of encouragement sparked a fire within her, and she began to write every day. She submitted her work to literary magazines and writing contests, and to her surprise, she started to get published.

As her confidence grew, she became more adventurous in her writing. She tackled topics that were difficult and personal, and her writing became more raw and powerful.

Her friend's words of encouragement changed her life. She had given her the push she needed to pursue her passion and share her gift with the world. And in doing so, she was able to touch the hearts and minds of countless readers with her words.

Moral lesson: The power of encouragement is immeasurable. It can give someone the confidence and courage to pursue their dreams, and it can change the trajectory of their life. So never underestimate the impact of a kind word or gesture of support. You never know whose life you might change for the better.

Training - Digital Storytelling
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