probleme de femme a milier rural

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Congo (Democratic Republic of the)

Joined Aug 24, 2012

Ici chez nous il y a des femmes analphabete mais surtout des villagoise qui ingorent presque tous.Elles sont condamnées d'aller chaque jour au champs .Elles sont confrontées a de très nombreux problemes,leur produit recoltes sont vendu a un prix médiocre. Elles ignorent les technique cultural,leur champs ne sont pas fertilisés ,elles n'ont des produit phytosanitaire pour que leur rendement croissent .Leur enfant sont mal nourri ,ne sont pas scolarisés.Nous vous priyons de pleder pour ce cas merci.

English translation by PulseWire member sarahplew

Here where we live there are illiterate women but especially villagers who are ignorant to nearly everything. They are condemned to go into the fields each day. They are confronted by numerous problems, their harvested products are sold at a mediocre price. They don't know cultural techniques, their fields are not fertilized, they don't have phytosanitary products so that they grow efficiently. Their children are malnourished, are not educated. We ask you to support this case. Thank you.

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