Queen Sheba Agriculture Farms
Sep 10, 2022

Queen Sheba D Cisse
Feb 27
Joined Aug 3, 2011

{"time":1662836152311,"blocks":[{"id":"CnCX66j0LC","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":" \"Agriculture is the most beloved means to
! "}},{"id":"fFHO7RaA57","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":" - Grandmaster Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse, (RA/ RTA)"}},{"id":"aVtZJMPNQY","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":"I started this collaborative endeavor several years ago because farming and growing your own food is soo vitally import in these uncertain times. I am still learning and being educated and a very patient babe in this venture. This Initiative Project is currently ongoing for the long haul and one of my ideas in philanthropic efforts to assist humanity. It is a hard work but very rewarding , you learn something new in the process every single day. "}},{"id":"rTjxACgW21","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":"1. The important step(s) I took is learning, being open-minded and definitely patience . I was interested in the subject matter as a teenager. It is important and meaningful to me because my beloved grandmother is a talented homemaker, builder, farmer and spiritual minister. Her name is Sayidah Overseer Iretta Brown ( RA/RTA She remains a big woman, not in physical size but in humanitarian legacy to her state of Alabama and community."}},{"id":"OAKhYOJEMG","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":"2. I prayed to own land in my country and when the opportunity presented itself I obtained land and more opportunities came my way of offered land and to bargain land at inexpensive prices. Owning land is Power and a start to do good things supporting others and employing people. It is a asset that I deeply cherish."}},{"id":"B5YreZdhwo","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":"3. For the betterment of supporting my Nonprofit
Queen Sheba Village
to feed the participants lunch and refreshments when The Women & Girls Center is in operation once completed. View here: https://queenshebavillage.org/upcoming-projects/our-women-girls-education-empowerment-center/."}},{"id":"qWLmGVakNn","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":"4. All the while finding the support of a partner to collaborate with who has knowledge in farming and agriculture. By GOD's will and grace we were blessed to meet and work with a longtime friend and volunteering family member already in the business of livestock and agriculture for years now. Honesty and integrity is crucial to working with anyone. Accountability and transparency to boot!"}},{"id":"f3IyDceWhX","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":"5. Since now My team partner Lamine and I are employing locals and steady grinding. We additionally hold programs and events promoting what we are engaged in and feeding others from the crops harvested. "}},{"id":"hNBvTG2N1B","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":"6. I am still learning, investing and grateful to learn more, our investments are growing and benefitting many. "}},{"id":"W_KkCYR6qo","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":"7. My beloved Grandmother and Ancestors are smiling and cheering us onward! I hope to continue to share stories and updates to the World Pulse family as often as more milestones are reached. Collaborations are welcomed to all serious business minded individuals with integrity and proven trustworthiness. Thanks for reading this story."}},{"id":"MCXYPSKC8Q","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":"More additional information about this story and updates can be view here: "}},{"id":"Yiwj5sHrbE","type":"embed","data":{"service":"youtube","source":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rOpsWZV9fY","embed":"https://www.youtube.com/embed/1rOpsWZV9fY","width":580,"height":320,"caption":"Queen Sheba Agriculture Farms"}},{"id":"WVs3aO01jI","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":"Additional videos can be viewed here for your viewing pleasure and education."}},{"id":"JzOPMaXm94","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":"Footnotes English /Arabic* RA(rahimullah)- May GOD have mercy on him. RTA(raddi allahu anhu)- May GOD be pleased with him. Please excuse any typos in this article. "}}],"version":"2.24.3"}