Quranic Surahs to gain Jannah (Heaven)

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Saba Ahmed

United States of America

Joined Oct 2, 2008

Four Gifts of Light from the Quran:
Ø Surah Al-Fatiha (Surah 1: http://quran.com/1)
Ø Ayatul Kursi (Surah 2, Verse 255: http://quran.com/2)
Ø Last Verses of Surah Baqrah (Surah 2, Verses 284-286: http://quran.com/2)
Ø Surah Kausar (Surah 108: http://quran.com/108)
Inshallah, these four gifts of light will enlighten our mind and our heart. Ameen.

Quranic Surah's to Read After the Five Daily Prayers.
Fajr (Sunrise) prayer
Ø Read ayat al kursi after every namaz, no one can stop him from entering jannah (Surah 2, Verse 255: http://quran.com/2)
Ø Read Surah Nasr 7 times after every namaz to make every difficulty easier. (Surah 110: http://quran.com/110)
Ø Read Surah Al-Asr 11 times everyday after Fajr, makes you stand for justice strongly and gives you patience. (Surah 103: http://quran.com/103)
Ø Read Surah Qafiroon 11 times after fajr prayer everyday, your heart will rid itself of all bad thoughts. (Surah 109: http://quran.com/109)
Ø Read Surah Yaseen after fajr and all your daily needs will be fulfilled and you'll become an honored person. (Surah 36: http://quran.com/36)
Ø Read Surah Fajr everyday after fajr to be happy spiritually and have no worries (Surah 89: http://quran.com/89)
Ø Read Surah Zalzala after fajr everyday to get fear of God in your heart and you’ll be attracted to good things. (Surah 99: http://quran.com/99)
Ø Read Surah Fatah everyday after fajr to get victory (Surah 48: http://quran.com/48)
Ø Read Surah Muzamil 11 times after fajr everyday for a year, you will never be poor and you’ll become rich and prosperous (Surah 73: http://quran.com/73)

Zuhr (Noon) prayer
Ø Read ayat al kursi after every namaz, no one can stop him from entering jannah (Surah 2, Verse 255: http://quran.com/2)
Ø Read Surah Nasr 7 times after every namaz to make every difficulty easier. (Surah 110: http://quran.com/110)
Ø Read Surah Mulk after zuhr everyday for 11days to ask forgiveness for someone who passed away. (Surah 67: http://quran.com/67)
Ø Read Surah Feel 111 times for 11 days after Zuhr prayer to get rid of enemy. (Surah 105: http://quran.com/105)

Asr (Afternoon) prayer
Ø Read ayat al kursi after every namaz, no one can stop him from entering jannah (Surah 2, Verse 255: http://quran.com/2)
Ø Read Surah Nasr 7 times after every namaz to make every difficulty easier. (Surah 110: http://quran.com/110)
Ø Read Surah Naba after Asr for Day of Judgment, to get peace and faith in heart, will get kalma at time of death. (Surah 78: http://quran.com/78)

Maghrib (Sunset) prayer
Ø Read ayat al kursi after every namaz, no one can stop him from entering jannah (Surah 2, Verse 255: http://quran.com/2)
Ø Read Surah Nasr 7 times after every namaz to make every difficulty easier. (Surah 110: http://quran.com/110)
Ø Read surah sajdah after maghrib before isha. (Surah 32: http://quran.com/32)
Ø Read Surah mulk after maghrib before isha. (Surah 67: http://quran.com/67)
Ø Read Surah Taqasur after maghrib everyday to get forgiveness from God (Surah 102: http://quran.com/102)

Isha (Night) prayer
Ø Read ayat al kursi after every namaz, no one can stop him from entering jannah (Surah 2, Verse 255: http://quran.com/2)
Ø Read Surah Nasr 7 times after every namaz to make every difficulty easier. (Surah 110: http://quran.com/110)
Ø Read Surah Al-Kausar everyday once to get strong in faith. (Surah 108: http://quran.com/108)
Ø Read Surah Qafiron 11 times after isha prayer everyday, your heart will rid itself of all bad thoughts. (Surah 109: http://quran.com/109)
Ø Read Surah Yaseen to get forgiveness.(Surah 36: http://quran.com/36)
Ø Read Surah Alam-Nashrah 41 times after isha prayer for 40 days to get hard problem become easier. (Surah 94: http://quran.com/94)
Ø To turn enemies into friends, read surah At-teen 41 times for 21 days after isha prayer. (Surah 95: http://quran.com/95)
Ø Read Surah Ad-duhaha after Isha prayer 21 times for 7 days to see during a dream how a particular problem/task will play out. (Surah 93: http://quran.com/93)
Ø To get rid of debt, read Surah Taqasur 170 times everyday after isha prayer for 17 days. (Surah 102: http://quran.com/102)
Ø Read Surah Feel after isha 313 times for 40 days to get rid of blood pressure, sugar, other similar diseases. (Surah 105: http://quran.com/105)
Ø Read Surah Quraish 111 times after isha prayer to get rid of sugar, falij and other diseases. (Surah 106: http://quran.com/106)
Ø Read Surah Ikhlaas 1000 times after isha for 125 nights, your hajat will come true. (Surah 112: http://quran.com/112)

Before going to sleep
Ø Read surah fatiha, ayat al kursi, Surah Ikhlaas, surah falaq, surah naas every night before sleeping, dam on your hands, face, head, stomach, legs; to be in God’s protection against jinn, shaitan
Ø Read ayat al kursi, and last two ayahs of Surah baqarah every night before going to sleep, Allah will make hardships easier and this ayah will protect you.
Ø Read Surah Alam-Nashrah 11 times before going to sleep to become worriless and peaceful
Ø Read Surah Al-Qadr 7 times before sleeping to get increase in wealth, protection of eyesight, health.
Ø Read Surah Al Qariyah 11 times every night before going to sleep to get strong in faith
Ø Read Surah Waqia every night to never be hungry
Ø Read Surah Jinn every night before sleeping to become a peaceful person. No worries or disappointments will affect you. When you face an enemy, you will be safe from their evil.
Ø Read Surah Al-Humaza once every night before going to sleep to get fear of God in your heart and you’ll start hating bad things and love good things (naikiyan)
Ø If extraordinarily worried and restless, read six Sakinah ayahs with darood sharif before and after, every night before going to sleep to get peace and calmness in the heart

Tahajud (Late Night) prayer
Ø Read Surah Muhammad after tahajud everyday for 3 years and you'll get honor in this world.
Ø Read Surah Muzamil during tahajud to see Prophet Muhammad in your dream

Jumma (Friday) prayer
Ø Read Surah Kahaf every Friday after Jumma prayer at mosque
Ø Read surah Jumma and surah munafiqoon every Friday
Ø Read Surah Jumma 3 times after fajr on Fridays for 7 weeks to avoid marital conflicts.
Ø To get an impossible task done, read Surah Al-Tariq 86 times after jumma prayer for 7 weeks with people.
Ø Read Surah Al-Kausar on Friday evenings 1000 times for 11 weeks, to see Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in dream

Hajat (Need) prayer
Ø Read Surah Nasr when alone 123 times to achieve any desire.
Ø Read Surah Ikhlaas 1000 times after isha for 125 nights, your hajat will come true
Ø Read Surah Yaseen for 11 days with mubeen for fulfillment of hajat
Ø Read Surah Rahman 11 times everyday for 11 days for fulfillment of hajat
Ø Read 4 nafl and after Surah Fatiha read Surah Hashr in every rakat for 11 days. Hajat will come true.
Ø Read Surah Hashr everyday for 11 days to achieve specific goal/dream.
Ø Read Surah Hashr 41 times everyday for 41 days, all your prayers will be answered and all the desires of your heart will be fulfilled.
Ø Read Surah Taghabun 3 times everyday for 11 days for marriage and kids
Ø Read Surah Muzamil 40 times everyday for 40 days to solve an impossible task.
Ø Read Surah Dahr 75 times everyday for 21 days to get very rich and all your heart desires will be fulfilled
Ø Read Surah Dahr 3 times everyday for 21 days to become free from oppression of tyrant.
Ø Read Surah Alam Nashrah 21 times everyday to get money, respect, honor, health, educated
Ø Read Surah Zalzal 141 times everyday for 7 days to get a hard problem easier.
Ø To pay off loans, read Surah Al-Adiyat 100 times for 7 days near river.
Ø Read Surah Al-Qariyah 180 times to get rid of bad things in your life, and to bring goodness in your heart
Ø Read Surah Al-Asr 7 times and dam on water, have an afflicted person drink it, all problems/worries will go away.
Ø Read Surah Ad-Dhuha 111 times for 11 days to get someone who ran away come back
Ø Read Surah Ateen 700 times to get a missing person back

Dealing with enemies
Ø Read Surah Lahib 7 times everyday to be safe from enemies
Ø Read Surah Lahib before facing an enemy, they will not be able to harm you
Ø Read Surah Muhammad for 40 days 11 times after Asr prayer to rid enemies who bother you.
Ø Read Surah Qaf 11 times everyday for 11 days when you join new place of work, everyone will become friends.
Ø Read Surah Qaf 3 times and dam on surma before putting it on eyes, it'll help eyes.
Ø If someone is ill-mannered/ill-spoken, read Surah Shams 41 times and dam on water and have them drink it, they will become purer/better.
Ø Read Surah Al-Humaza 11 times to get rid of oppression from enemy.
Ø Read Surah Maoon 1100 times for 40 nights to get rid of enemy of islam, dua after reading.
Ø To get rid of black magic, read surah Naas for 11 days, 1100 times with darood sharif before and after, dam on water and have them or yourself drink it.

Ø Read Surah Quraish at your place of work everyday several times to get success.
Ø Read Surah Ikhlaas everyday 111 times to become God’s love.

"Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) narrated to Hazrat Ali (RA) that before going to sleep every night, you should do five things:
(1) Give 4000 Dinar in Charity
(2) Read One Quran
(3) Pay the Price for Heaven
(4) Make friendship between two who are fighting
(5) Perform One Hajj (Pilgrimage)
Hazrat Ali (RA) asked how can I do all these, to which Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said:
(1) Read Surah Al-Fatiha (Alhamdulilah-he-Rabil Aalameen) 4 times, the reward will be equal to 4000 dinars in charity.
(2) Read Surah Ikhlas (Qul-hu-walahu-ahad) 3 times, the reward will be equal to reading 1 Quran.
(3) Read Astaghfar 10 times, its reward will be making friendship between two who were fighting.
(4) Read Darood-Sharif 10 times, its reward will be the price of heaven.
(5) Read Third Kalma (Subhanalahe-walhamdulilahi wala ilaha) 4 times, its reward will be equal to performing 1 Hajj.
Upon hearing this, Hazrat Ali (RA) told the Prophet that he would read these every night before going to sleep."

"When My servants ask thee concerning Me, I am indeed close (to them): I listen to the prayer of every suppliant when he calls on Me: let them also, with a will, listen to My call, and believe in Me: that they may walk in the right way." (Surah Al-Baqarah 2, verse 186)

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