Relationship of women and land

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Naheda Shaikh


Jan 21

Joined Mar 9, 2018

India is depend on agriculture economy, where most of the agriculture work doing by women. However, women are not having land on their name, strange but true. Women in India working on their own farm as a labour but not getting single pie for their work.

Women have different relationship with land, they don't work on it they care for it. Women have emotional attachment with land when they allow to take care of it, the result may different.

They can not involve in their own farm decesion. They are having tremendous knowledge of the farming about the land, about the seed about season unfortunately they never consider as a agriculture expert.

It's seems that, when single or widow women get land and work on it, they have their right on the land, that is rare but most of the time woman do take decesion carefully.

Women are doing natural farming when they have land in their hand. They understand the climate situation and work accordingly.

Climate Change
Indigenous Rights
Widows' Rights
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