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Arrey- Echi


Joined Jan 25, 2016

Members of PIE showcase the diversity and inclusion of World Pulse. The beautiful, smiling faces is a good portrait for the text capturing the joy during PIE Meetings.

Photo Credit: Photo Credit: Marissa and Corine (World Pulse)

The beautiful diversified members of PIE.

Since its inception three years ago, there’s always some excited expectation every third Friday of each month for members of PIE. Nothing beats being in the same room or space with some incredible, dynamic and purpose driven women whether that room be physical or virtual, the feeling is the same and this is so true with PIE whose members have these qualities and some aplenty.

And so, with eager expectations, I and I dare say every one of us 11 incredible sheroes for positive change and inclusion making up the PIE Community, look forward to our monthly meetings where we gather to learn, unlearn, relearn and hold each other while doing so with love, respect and deep seated admiration; for each other and the amazing circle of sisterhood we have so been privileged to share these past three years.

This month’s meeting on 20th October was not different. Palpable excitement as smiles radiating and shining through the various screens clicking and connecting could be felt across the various timelines and zones, be it in the morning, late afternoon or late night, the dedication of this circle was seen as we all patiently logged on to our screens.

Facilitated by the ever present and smiling Kirthi, the stage was set for the meeting. Martha was present and ready to help the story teller of the day with notes. Early birds of the day (Paulina, Sabeena, Tam and yours truly were later joined by Busayo, Ruthi, Sally and Sherna). The ice breaker this time was both intriguing and tricky.

The question ‘If you had the opportunity to trade lives with another PIE member for a day, who would it be and why? How does one answer such a question? I mean PIE is made up of amazing, incredible SiSTARS anyone would just be to glad to have a portion of each to make the whole and not just trade places with one yes? Some members had to be diplomatic to navigate this question. It was both a fun and learning moment.

The task for the weeks leading to the meeting was a survey on what we wish for the future of PIE meetings et al to be like. It was therefore reasonable that the better part of the meeting was dedicated to analysing the survey reports. For example, as we all know, storytelling is the bedrock of World Pulse and therefore, it is small wonder that PIE has a storyteller role. Given that members have very busy and tight schedules, the role hasn’t always been forthcoming that easy. It was therefore good to see that many opted for the role to be maintained with additional guidelines to ensure it flows smoothly going forward. 

This set the pace for the meeting as various PIE matters tabled in the survey were discussed for general adoption, brainstorming or reflections, ranging from Community builder role, leadership & membership, bringing in new members, updating the group on the outcome of the Board/PIE Liaisons by Busayo and Sherna and working on PIE terminologies; in the course of which, there were a lot of beautiful and take home lessons shared in love and mutual respect, helping all present to reflect and make more informed decisions on solid feminist guidelines and I dare say, also wetting the appetite of everyone to dig deeper and as the meeting came to an end by 3:30pm (7:30am PDT), amidst reluctant goodbyes, we logged off our screens to reflect and plan for the next PIE meeting with renewed appreciation for the unique role we have and the privilege of steering the PIE ship towards a safer and stronger shore for the broader World Pulse community.

NB: A reflection of PIE three years later can be ready here on this article by Jensine and Kirthi.


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