Say no to violence!

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Batool Kazmi


Joined Dec 12, 2023

Don't let others ignore your rights!

Stand up for yourself!

Stand up for yourself!

Say no to violence. The rape doesnot exist only in physical form but in emotional, social, mental torture you go through is also a form of Rape. Infact, this rape is more dangerous as it destroys and leave marks on your innocent soul. For how long,will you tolerate this?

Don't let others abuse you, Stand up for yourself, Recognize your rights. Freedom, liberty to live in your way is your right. No one can take that from you. Work, work for yourself, be happy , spend on yourself to please yourself. You can't make everyone happy or let others walk on the carpet of your dreams. If today you let domestic violence, unfair treatment go on with you for society pressure or any other peer pressure, then you are messing up with generations' security. Give them the voice to speak, show them with your action. Don't be their weakness, be their strength to live in the world by facing eye to eye. Embrace them of being what they are. Be the symbol of light in the darkness.

Don't stand the injustice and don't let your rights crushed, ignored. Show your presence and Speak up!

Behind every success , there is a story of sacrifice. Don't be the unheard voice. Speak and share your dreams. You will fly and will flourish.

Women empowerment matters


Batool Kazmi

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