Self love is learning

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South Africa

Sep 12

Joined Feb 23, 2024

the glow

My main important message is to keep learning ,keep learning who you are and taking chances with the unknown to know .

A great learner learns from a clear prospective. I strongly encourage inner healing and self awareness , The great healing benefits are remarkable , I was always drawn to taking care over my wellbeen and when i became a reiki practitioner i had seen for myself the benefits of energy healing ,My name is Jenine I am thirty four years old , I am clairvoyance ,charismatic and intuitive . I have seen the great works of energy healing through my journey and its my souls passion to help others .I work with other woman who have been through traumatic experiences , We cant heal if there is clutter ,Everything that is in the subconscious is still in memory our bodies dont loose data , everything is stored in our dna our sub conscious. The first 7 years of our life we are already programmed with our parental and environmental that we been introduced to , We look at patterns of beliefs and discipline and traumatic experiences , economical stress, historical stress , our genetics . Along with healing and coming to how to modify our responses and behavior , A programmed self healing skill is writing the most highly recommended task yet so under estimated, A very highly powerful tool is to sit with yourself avoiding distractions and allowing yourself time and freedom space to write and express who you are your life experiences your goals , your weaknesses and your perception of your experiences. When you untangle there is programs via dialog you heal and conscious expands to higher knowing and emotional freedom. Allowing anxiety to non exist allowing depression to be a passed meaning and for diseases to aside for greater quality of life and abundance with self confidence in oneself.

A great way to dialog a journal from age life spans 0-5 years 5-10 years ,10 to 15 years,20-25 ,25-35 so on each stage is your chapters this will briefly take time but however its a great tool.

So i leave you with this foundation this is the glow up to shine and allow yourself love you deserve it

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