Shantha Kumari Hulithala .

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Aparna Hulithala


Joined Sep 27, 2023


I am very proud to share the story of my cousin sister Shantha Kumari Hulithala. Usually inuppercast families only men enjoy property write. When her brother and father were not willing to give her property share she apporoched legally. She got her share. In the village everyone eas against her. But she alone faced all the challanges. She built a house. Rared cows dogs and cats. Successfully looked after coffee estate. Made her own vegetable garden. She even helped many people. She says that the constitution of India has given women equal rights. It is our duty that we should use them.

Let me introduce Shantha Kumari. She was born and brought up at Uppercast Brahmin family . They lived in a small village Kaggodlu Madikeri taluk of Kodagu district Karnataka. Since her childhood she loved animals. She studied her degree in arts and completed teachers training. After completing her studies she helped her family. Her parents and brother never recognised her work. She never got justice. In many families girl child suffers. Importance is given to boys. After her brothers marraige she asked the share in the property. But most of the people opposed it. But Shanthakumari couragiously took the share. Lived alone in the house. Even her own relatives camre to quarrel. With the help of govt and police she solvef many of her problems. She says knowldge and courage are very necessary to face the life. She stopped illigal poaching in her areas too. Many people laughed at her as she lived alone. But she couragiously faced everyone. Now she says she got freedom. We should use our rights.

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Moments of Hope
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