
She finally stood up for herself

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Jun 23

Joined Aug 15, 2023

Fight against violence

Sister Mariam is this amazing and hard working lady that I have been trying to save from her boyfriend for some time now .

her boyfriend uses every opportunity to beat her up, he is the one that always spend her hard earned money without showing appreciation to her and still beat her up on top of that

so I have been trying to let her see reasons that there is no way she can continue with her life like this because this isn’t a stable relationship at all , if the guy can be this violence in a relationship I wonder what will be her faith by then time they get married

you know as they saying goes ……a broken relationship is better than a broken marriage.

so today the same incident happened again that got her injured, she called me and I have to call emergency for her thank God that there was no serious physical damage it was just a minor injuries but she is definitely emotionally down , but the good thing that I am happy about now is that she finally listened to me and decided to move on without him to avoid her life been cult short , for now she is taking a break until she is ready

All life matters no one deserves to be treated like an animal.

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