Sleep in length, be bed rest for free ignorance you spread, if you cannot heed............

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Hairis (Aariye, Haaru)


Aug 2

Joined May 3, 2023

Sleep in length, be bed rest for free ignorance you spread, if you cannot heed the truth of wisdom in your/our living God, our loving Creator.

Heed wisdom rather than following Sikhism, Jainism, Buddhism. Don't discourage them but teach, educate them to make them learn. Don't hate them. They are also people of your/our living God, our loving Creator. Let them also be in happiness and strength as usual and always. Let happiness downpour on them also in the form of deluge, blessings, invocations and kiddush.

But, in word I say I accept more of the qualities seen in Sikhism, Jainism, Buddhism, I don't know why!!? May be more related with your/our living God is in them. Be in fullness, full of life in full maturity with truth in wisdom of your/our living God, our loving Creator’s humbleness, strength, sacrifice, mercy, kindness, humility, inner values, grace, radiance, clemency free for all avoiding or eliminating all forms of ignorance, weak drunkenness, useless arrogance, foolishness, cowardliness, decayed dead living, selfishness and usage of crooked words from yourselves for upliftment of others also with strong smiles, sharing of truth and love and talks in form of prayers to strengthen you all in Universe.

Yes, I repeat. Be in fullness, full of life in full maturity with truth in wisdom of your/our living God, our loving Creator’s humbleness, strength, sacrifice, mercy, kindness, humility, inner values, grace, radiance, clemency free for all avoiding or eliminating all forms of ignorance, weak drunkenness, useless arrogance, foolishness, selfishness and usage of crooked words from yourselves. Be in vigor and happiness as always.

Be mindful to do everything at the correct time, situations, connections in the correct way, for an understandable instance, have spontaneity not to spit after gargling by mistake in the kitchen sink while washing food and utensils but rather going to the restroom and doing it inside the wash basin of yours.

I have done this little thing also and kept it up from my birth till present. Witnessed. But, in case of you ignorant folks!!!!!!

Don't laugh like wicked hyenas amidst a Lion's presence, as in a wild forest. If you are born humane, show the quality of humane avoiding ignorance, be in actions full of life. If I come in front of you, make just a ‘Ha’ sound, you dont speak in return, bend your heads like in shame. And if I move again to some distance for some order waits or if I just like to talk to you, showed in my actions prior, you don't want to, you want foolish guys, isn't it!!? you go in someone’s bike looking here and there, so if I speak the truth to you, how much will you bend your heads and swiftly move out from there, I am in love not to make you fearful or discouraged, be in love- why do you fear to come near me!!? Don't hide here and there, come directly in front of me to speak to my face for long times. Show the privilege, chance/ opportunity of being born in this temporary/beautiful Earth in truth of wisdom of your/our living God, our loving Creator. Show the strength of having mild bonding milk till dry/hard foods, cherish the flavors, gifts of beautiful temporary Earth in memories of truth of wisdom in your/our living God, our loving Creator in needed amounts only. You are thinking about someone with no continuity of any good languages, no talents or good qualities in your ancient ignorant, lifeless times. All will be good, yet. Even many balds in our families have changed a lot from harmful ingestions, so everything will be in strength of goodness. All outside killings in weak actions, poisonous lifeless ingestions occur due to ignorance, little knowledge and because of lifeless actions, so avoid and eliminate it, get rid of it completely. Be in full maturity in truth of wisdom of your/our living God, our loving Creator. Not just weak beatings of ignorants in ignorance and in lifeless actions, but hitting- shootings and killings, that I don't do, then you will understand the meaning of life in truth, continuity, value of life at present in presence of mine in strength/humbleness/sacrifice/grace/truth of wisdom of your/our living God, our loving Creator in difference to/exception of ignorant public others. I can know to say, love that everything is okay, let's see, will be right, sweetly and multiplying strong generations to generations. Satisfaction from both sides is necessary. 

First learn to get up from your falls immediately and to continue in truth of wisdom of your/our living God, our loving Creator. I am like that, even if I fall, with some painful sprains in different parts of my hands, I get up immediately and continue my work even without rest till next night. Don't make your women counterparts' brains to fade away again with your weak falls in your own ignorance, don't make these women make you wake up from your weak drunken falls. Be strong both and rise up on your own with the truth in wisdom of your/our living God, our loving Creator. Yes.

Respond at time, open up but don't forget, don't break in between, be in continuity as I am till your destination of aim.  Be strong in wisdom,  from beginning till now in wherever you respond. Be thankful for being yourselves in you/others if strong/happy/good in truth of wisdom of your/our living Creator, our loving God. Love yourselves and others in strength/sacrifice/humbleness/truth of wisdom in your/our living God, our loving Creator.

If you came for work, work and go in strength but avoid smelly, ugly short words from your mouth that I have not used from my tongue till now, don't make me nauseated or to vomit from your waste-garbage formed words. Be strong in the truth of wisdom of your/our living God, our loving Creator.

Love you all in India.

Happy for your all presence in your/our living God, our loving Creator. Thank you for being here for all change.

Don't be in useless arrogance and neither in weak wars.

Let the whole Universe be happy for you.

                                                                             August’s 2

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