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Kirthi Jayakumar

Dec 15

Joined Oct 21, 2012

A hand holding a pen over an open notebook, with a smart tablet and earphones placed nearby to suggest that a person is learning

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Complete a training module today!

It's been a while since I wrote in, now, didn't I? Well, if you've been following the goings-on here at World Pulse, you'll have seen that it has been a busy time indeed :)

Since my last update in September, we had 28 people take and complete a training: What's particularly exciting about this for me is that it is 28 more people who are now equipped with information they can use in their daily lives - be that on the personal front or on the work front!

As we are inching toward the end of 2023, I'm excited to share that we have a full digital training suite that offers trainings on:

Basic Digital Skills

Advanced Digital Skills

Digital Storytelling

Online Advocacy

Safety and Security

Professional Development

Financial Literacy

Social Entrepreneurship

Measuring your Impact


Now, as we go into 2024, I'm here to ask all of you for a favour to help me achieve my initiative. You can either:

1) Take one or more training modules on World Pulse and complete it. Every member who completes it is one more person this initiative impacts

2) Spread word in your community! Bring on more amazing people who might like to learn and gain certificates after learning - so they can sign up for a training module or more and complete them!

These certificates can also be added to your LinkedIn profiles, which means that you can also add them to your CV as part of your continuous professional development journey :) A training takes no more than 60 to 90 minutes to complete, and you can be done in a day!

A good place to start: Sign up for tomorrow's Training Tuesday on Storytelling on Sexual and Gender-based Violence! (To do this, click on your Profile Picture on the top left of this page, click "Live Events" and register for Training Tuesday!)

Will you support me in succeeding in my initiative?

Log On. Rise Up.
Digital Skills
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