
Stockton Eve

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Princess Rose


Oct 1

Joined Jul 2, 2023

re-opened case

Photo Credit: ABC 10

Christmas presents in the Booth

On Christmas Eve, a woman was stabbed to death outside her mother's home. Her car was stacked with a lot of Christmas presents for her then four year old daughter. She told her mum she was going to be home after going Christmas shopping for her daughter.

However the Christmas Eve evening took a twist, a surprise no one expected. Her mother woke up to a loud scream outside she quickly rushed outside to go see who it was, it was her daughter standing behind her car holding her side. "Go get him, I've been stabbed," she exclaimed.

The stockton mum quickly rush back inside to call 911. Afterwards she run back out again, she saw a neighbor standing beside her daughter. By that time she was already on the floor. When the police arrived, they begun searching for suspects. However their only witness was the lady on the floor. There she was beside her car bleeding profusely.

"I would like to know who did this and why", said her mother.

Who do you think stabbed her that particular night leave your comments for search & feedback.


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