Stressful life

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Joined Oct 19, 2023

I am the eldest of in a family with 3 children my parents seperated when i was a teen, i found it hard to jump from helping out mom to revision and caring for teo youngest. My parents are being selfish from my point of view, always causing problems and stress for children who shouldn't even be aware of those.

I tried to suicide since i was twelve, had body image issues, didn't like myself, didn't like my weight nor appearance, changed that but was still not enough, i became obsessed with looking good and always felt down ehrn i looked a bit chubby or too flat inside clothes. I would cover up too much or show too much. I had try a big thin last year, it was opening my veins, end up bleeding but didn't die. I was shocked and sad that nobody noticed it. I've always been the left out of the family so i never felt like i was member. I feel like a helper or a maid sometimes, i know this all must make me sound like a pick me girl.

I want to raise awareness on the female body girls, love yourself as you are and please do not change to please anyone other than yourself. If you want change make sure you do it for yourself first

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