Take Back Your Control

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Dec 16

Joined Feb 25, 2024

Susan and Shelby are pioneering Self Acupuncture. Their mission is to give individuals the knowledge and the skill to heal their own bodies.

Photo Credit: Nathan Lashomb Forevermore Studio

You Healing You: Take Back Your Control

Shelby and I met at Acupuncture school in Columbia, MD. For the last 26 years, we have both had thriving Acupuncture practices. We have found Acupuncture to be highly effective for any and all of the physical and emotional issues our patients came to us with. We have loved getting to spend our days with these fascinating humans and are grateful for the strong relationships we have developed with each of them.

Recently, we realized that this skill to remove dis-ease from the body did not belong to us. It is something that changes peoples' lives and we should not be the gatekeepers. I taught many of my long-time patients how to needle themselves and found them to be perfectly capable of tending to their own symptoms in between their sessions with me. Shelby was hired by the local hospital in her area to teach hospital staff how to do auricular treatment on addicts in their program. We both saw how easily and quickly individuals could learn to needle.

During these past 26 years working as an Acupuncturist, I increasingly became very involved with Climate Change. I flew to Istanbul to take the course with the Al Gore Climate Reality Project. I worked tirelessly to help people see we need to live in ways that are more Earth-friendly. I created Ride The Future Tour and we set the Guinness Record for the Longest Journey on Electric Vehicles. This cross country tour of electric vehicles - car, motorcycle, scooter, and bicycle - was an attempt to stop gas-powered vehicles from further polluting the environment and help people see that EVs are a cleaner, viable alternative.

Last year, Shelby and I decided to break away from our comfort zone and embark on an endeavor to further positive change in the world. We founded a company together and named it You Healing You. It is our mission to allow more people to bring healing to their own body by learning to do acupuncture on themselves. We strive to empower others to take back control over their health. So many people just don't understand how the human body works, so they are compelled to turn over their care to the medical system. We believe people can learn about the human body just like a doctor or nurse or acupuncturist learns in school. This knowledge in turn then helps them to choose a healthier lifestyle that promotes their positive well-being. Learning to do a handful of safe and powerful acupuncture points allows them to reverse the pattern of disharmony that has developed in their body over the years. It has been our experience that when you teach others the basic information they need to know, and coach them on how to needle these few points on their body, that they regain control over their own health.

How are Climate Change and Self Acupuncture related?

The world's top climate scientists have declared that we have crossed the tipping point. Some believe there is no point of return. Over the last 10 years, the Earth has been giving us extremely dramatic signs of imbalance in our eco system and many humans have lost their lives in tsunamis, fires, earthquakes, floods, etc. Many people believe the comforts that we live with in current times will no longer exist once the Earth reaches even greater imbalance. I believe all of us can work to prepare for possible changes that we may have to learn to live with. Just like during Covid, we all were forced to see the world through different eyes for the first time. We never imagined we would have our freedom to live life fully taken away from us.

If the future brings changes where we will not have access to readily available medical care, it will be imperative that we know how to take care of our own selves competently. Not that anyone needs a good reason to be more educated, enlightened, and skilled, but climate change certainly gives us a very good incentive to be well-prepared. I encourage those who have exposed themselves to the facts about changes in our environment to strongly consider learning how to take care of your own body with the help of self acupuncture. The more you learn about how much control you have by simply putting in a few needles and letting them sit in and work, the more you will see how this form of medicine makes perfect sense.

Any symptom we have is simply a result of an organ in our body being out of balance. The second we put a needle in an acupuncture point, we immediately begin the process of healing that organ and bringing it back to homeostasis. The key to doing this effectively is consistency. The same way a doctor tells you to take your pill twice a day, we need to needle the points frequently to overcome the breakdown that has set in. Putting the needles in the points that we teach - with regular consistency -brings about rapid and predictable change in regenerating your organs. When the organ repairs, it lets go of your symptom. It's as simple as that.

We invite others who believe that the future may hold dramatic changes in our everyday comfort and survival to learn this skill of Self Acupuncture. We welcome all of you to join us in one of the scheduled cities across the US in 2024 to fully immerse yourself in our 3 day seminar to learn this invaluable knowledge and skill. You can find all the information you need at youhealingyou.com.

I look forward to sharing more about our journey with all of you again as our pioneering work unfolds. We realize it's a bold path, but one that is too important to ignore!

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Climate Change
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